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Tag Archives: poll

10 Reasons You Didn’t Buy The 3DS

Nintendo’s much trumpeted 3DS increasingly has a Virtual Boy air about it, with buzz and sales having subsided rather too quickly for comfort – Japanese asked why it is they haven’t bothered buying it explain why in this survey.

Although concerns about price and satisfaction with existing consoles are the main issues and look likely to subside with time, that two of the top 4 concerns are related to the effects of its screen can hardly be promising.

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Rurouni Kenshin Poll: Favorite Character ‘Past’ & ‘Present’

The official Japanese website for the Rurouni Kenshin television anime series posted the results of a new poll on Thursday. The poll compared who was fans’ favorite character back when the show was airing on television — and who is fans’ favorite character now. The poll was conducted on the official website between May 10 and May 23. Here are the results of the survey:

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10 Funniest Anime Character

Gag anime fans quizzed on which characters they consider the funniest, whether by dint of gags, surrealness or plain stupidity, provide a ranking which holds some surprises…

The ranking: Read more of this post